Basically, blogs are not much different because the characteristics Websites websites with blogs is not much different with the blog. Therefore, we must be aware of and manage them with a good blog that blogs can be optimized.
The factors that a blog can be optimal is as follows:
1. Quick Acces.
A blog should not be too heavy in terms of both content articles, pictures, and animated images. Because visitors will feel bored if the process of loading our blog too long.
2.Desain Blog
To design a blog, make that good maybe because when visitors come to our blog will be interested after seeing the design of our blog looks interesting. so choose the best template from the template service providers spread over the Internet or your own design template to match the desire.
Strived to your blog focus on one theme that you have mastered, so that visitors will be attracted if the content of your blog is always the latest. with a focus on content are expected to always meet the needs of visitors in search of an article or other reference sought by visitors. example: Forex Trading
A good blog is a blog that presents the article with good keywords and always new. that will facilitate search engine indexing of your blog. example: Forex Trading
5. Credibility
When visitors frequently visit your blog then do not damage the trust they have given to you. By always write original articles and sincerely, then your blog will crawl up on search enggine.
Tips from me so hopefully useful to you and we all
Kang Doel is a writer who tries to distribute the knowledge he has. He also expects the support, experience and knowledge you have. you can visit Kang Doel Blog at
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